Wednesday, July 12, 2006

fuck you america

180 people died in the bombings in india yesterday and over 700 people were injured. i saw a peripheral blurb about it on cnn this morning. as i picked up the paper and checked, the major headlines were plastered with information on the jessica lunsford case and tiles falling in the god-forsaken big dig in my hometown. since when did methodically crafted mass murder take a back seat to our shoddy tunnells and murder trials? don't major US businesses have substantial investments in operations in india? isn't anyone pissed off? sympathetic? where is the news coverage?

"i must admit
today my inner pessimist
seems to have got the best of me
we start out sugared up on kool-aid and manifest destiny
and we memorize all the president's names
like little trained monkeys
and then we're spit into the world
so many spinny-eyed t.v. junkies
incapable of unravelling the military industrial mystery
preemptively pacified with history book history
an i've been around the world now
and i can see this about america
the mind control is steep here, man
the myopia is deep here"


...just another example of the media mind-fucking us all and ignoring major news when it doesn't specifically impact our geo-political interests (read: oil).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to give you a big head and all, commenting twice in one day, or make you paranoid for that matter. However, the fact of the matter is that the media, especially in a free market such as ours, will feed people what they want to be fed. They will feed people what they will watch. They do so because it garners them better ratings, and insomuch, bigger advertising revenues. The problems isn't the media, the problem is a country who is unwilling to look at the world around them with anything but a sneering dismission.

