Tuesday, January 10, 2006

get out the way!

i'm getting annoyed at all the 350lb women who are hogging the treadmills at the gym after work. i realize that it's your new years resolution and all but some of us need to actually JOG on the freaking treadmill. there's nothing more irritating that snorting a couple lines of speed, stretching out and having no where to run because kirstie alley wants to WALK for 45 minutes while reading an US weekly that you know she's already read on the toilet at home while stuffing her fat face with krispy kremes over the weekend. beautiful people need to exercise too!

the dow hit 11,000 yesterday, first time since 2001. looks like there will be a sell-off today. i'm really excited about prospects for ABT.


Ariele said...

Seriously....I hate new years resolutions. Whoever came up with that idea is a jerkoff. Why do people actually still make resolutions? It's obvious at this point that no one keeps these arbitrary pledges. The only one i've ever kept was when I resolved that I would never make another one again. And it's not just fat people in the gym..it's everyone and their mother this time of year. Therefore you can't use any machine or equipment. I think I'm going to start telling people they're not going to keep their resolutions anyways and should just quit now.

andalusian said...

haha. you're almost as bitter as me. p.s. happy new year.