Thursday, November 10, 2005

"everyone's an actor or an actor's best friend..."

...what was wrong to begin with that they should all have to pretend? -ani difranco

*people ask my why i'm so into mr. difranco, the simple answer is this: i was actually raised by a pack of wild lesbians. no really. i spent my formative homo years hanging around downtown northampton, massachusetts with a bunch of bearded ladies. i have a special place in my heart for overalls and purple subarus. needless to say, ani blared from their car windows at all times and they'd belt along with lines like my cunt is built like a would that won't heal.

to me, ani is like an old friend who comes to town once in a while and is like, "hey, look at what i learned from my life experience. we should try to be better people". she's kind of a genious of human nature who somehow stays completely true to her message and artform while weaving in and out of genres, ignoring the taunts of the music industry. "you can dangle your carrot//but i ain't gonna reach for it//cuz i need both my hands//to play my guitar". i kind of worship her ideals and even though i'm a corporate sellout. so, thanks all you burly noho ladies for watching my back and giving me an entree into difrancoism.

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