Saturday, February 09, 2008

clarity unexpected

there are clarifying moments that occur in a relationship which help you realize that someone is really yours. i can't explain what happens. it might be some unusal convenience of time and space, location and consequence, but you know it when it hits you.

in these instances, his story becomes mine not only in emotional adoption but in reality. memories become so interwoven that to take one person out of the recollection would destroy that moment in the past altogether. i know why old people die of broken hearts: they've lost half their memory.

theese moments come as minute flickers of absolute happiness and surety which occur unexpectedly and present themselves in the form of a head nod or a brush on the hand. they are so small and so subtle but transmit volumes of understanding. you can't force it to happen, even by performing unselfish acts of love. they must come organically. they make your throat choke up, your stomach tighten, and your eyes glaze. in that particular moment, the universe conspires to confirm what you thought you knew all along: this person is my memory. happiness is possible. symbiosis is thriving.

revering this profoundness and extreme luck in a room full of unopened mail and a pile of dirty laundry, we breathe in chorus, sleeping with synapses sending morse code messages well into the night.


Anonymous said...

this is perfect, i love it. "they make your throat choke up"...i miss that

Unknown said...

Aww, that's truly beautiful! Hopefully I'm on my way to something like that.