Thursday, December 20, 2007

state of the union, bitches

i spent 5 days in DC last week as part of my MBA program. we spoke to pundits, campaign managers, chiefs of staff, members of congress, etc, etc. as a hot-blooded cynic, i find myself frustrated with the lack of progress in this country. we battle over budget earmarking for special interests and whine about the war on the middle class. people feel disenfranchised and apathetic towards our political system. after a 5 day stint in our nation's capital, i say this to america: get off the fucking couch and participate.

yes we have an inefficient government. you wanna know why? our founding fathers recognized the necessity of checks and balances to facilitate change slooooowly. you know what happens to governments when rapid change and an legislative "efficiency" take flight? totalitarianism! i'm pretty sure i'd rather have a "do nothing" congress than a militia doling out orders. do you agree?

another point that hit home to me which was iterated by both republicans and democrats in DC was that the media is royally mindfucking us. liberal as well as conservative TV, newspapers, and radio alienate us from how the branches of government actually work (can you name all 3?) we hear all this talk about politicians accepting money, dinners, and prostitutes from evil and special interest groups. shiver me timbers! did you know that the national nurses association and are two of the largest lobbying groups in washington? in the meantime all we hear about are the donations from evil corporate empires. what about those damn greedy nurses who change bedpans all day!?! surely romney and hillary shouldn't listen to the nurses self-serving agenda. *insert sarcasm*

people complain about their viewpoints not being heard in washington. i think you bitches should just align yourselves with whichever lobbying group or special interest group that represents your voice. there are thousands of organizations you can support. hell, there's even a lobby for nude christians who juggle. (i shit you not)

all politics are local. do you know who your congresswomen and men are? did you know that they only have a 2 year term so there is extra incentive for them to listen to their local constituency or commit career suicide within 24 months? have you been to their town meetings? spoken or written to them about the issues that concern you? they are your direct line into washington.

while we're at it, a lot of those "earmarks" that we hear so much about on CNN and Fox News are funds set aside for local constituencies who make themselves fucking heard. if you're pissed off that 700k is going to a bike trail in Minnesota, then call up your state rep. tell him/her that you want your own goddam bike path. fuck, i want my bike path paved with the ashes of jerry falwell so i can revel in the satisfaction that a faggot rides his hot pink bike over the old bastard on the weekends between drug binges and promiscuous sex orgies. i want a drag parade held on my bike path every year on falwell's birthday. i'll go dressed as ann coulter and i will chant ignorant comments up and down the trail all day while purchasing meth from gay prostitutes. we'll gather up all the pagans and praise the glory of nature instead of the glory of christ while doing naked somersaults up and down the falwell asphalt...yeah, i'm going to get THAT passed in next year's budget.

none of you have to agree with me and i'm not trying to start any debate here. my point is this: if you aren't participating, you are not allowed to complain. shut the fuck up and vote for city council, for mayor, for governor, for your state reps. if you aren't represented, flog your issue and make it heard. turn off american idol and get involved in our democracy.

gratuitous ani difranco quote:

i love my country
by which i mean
i am indebted joyfully
to all the people throughout its history
who have fought the government to make right
where so many cunning sons and daughters
our foremothers and forefathers
came singing through slaughter
came through hell and high water
so that we could stand here
and behold breathlessly the sight
how a raging river of tears
cut a grand canyon of light


Anonymous said...

Ani Difranco rules. This was a great entry. See? You're an activist already. OF THE PEOPLE. BY THE PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE. Can you hear me now?
Lesa Lampanelli

Anonymous said...

The only part of this post that i was able to understand was "nude christians who juggle."