Thursday, October 13, 2005

napkin of the month club

apple is coming out with the new video i-pod and who the hell cares? in america, we like watching tv on bigass screens, not little hand-held ones. i realize they're trying to stay competitive and bring new products to market but no one i know will buy this. maybe all the japanese jazz students who hang out in front of berklee music school but nobody else, i tell you, NOBODY!

futures look slightly positive this morning but investors will flip out when fuel inventory comes out and tech will take a nosedive. (how bout shorting semi-conductors?)

i have slight OCD about a few things. napkins are one example of my quirky disorder. see, well, the thing is, i love them. i fucking can't get my hands on enough napkins. i have an entire file cabinet at my desk full of napkins. i take them from everywhere and not just 1 or 2, i take stacks of them. i clean out napkin dispensers. every time i go to the au bon pain (or ooh boo poo as i like to call it) i swing by the utensil station and grab piles of them and stuff them into my "to go" bag. i use probably 8-10 of them at lunch and another 12 or so throughout the day if my hands feel soiled for one reason or another. my friend steph has taken to fedexing me piles of napkins from around the world (or at least from within the i495 belt). she writes nice little summations on the napkin quality and origin then they go in my stash. i'm not creepy like a cat lady or anything, i actually despise clutter but sometimes you just can't seem to get clean enough and napkins are my personal escape from this germ infested, disease ridden office. is that weird?

*wipes face with starbucks collection #3.1 circa june 14th, 2003, old pre-recycled design, 2 ply*

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