Wednesday, December 14, 2005

more triplegrandenowhipnonfat commentary

more starbucks talk, sorry. i don't really know what to make of the 300lb+ ladies, or men for that matter, who are ordering venti mochas or frappuccinos at 8:00am. i feel like i'd be doing them a disservice by not tapping them on the shoulder and saying, "hi. excuse me, i don't mean to interrupt your morning routine but did you know that drink has 650 calories in it? ...and well, let's not fool ourselves, you really should be watching what you eat. let's trade that in for a nice hot green tea, shall we?" isn't that what a good citizen should do? shouldn't we watch out for the well-being of our fellow consumers? in fact, one day i was putting non-fat milk into my grande mild roast when this heifer rolled up to the counter and hip-checked me out of the way like there was a stash of secret pies behind the napkin dispenser. "grrrrr there's no half and half", she grunted. i replied concernedly, "maybe someone's trying to tell you something", and left.

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