Wednesday, May 23, 2007

*Straight* Weddings Are Stupid

violent acres posted an entry a couple days back highlighting why weddings are stupid. she points out the ginormous expense of the dress, the open bar, the fancy photographer, the tropical paradise theme, etc.

i agree with her 100%. wouldn't it be better if people were like, "hey honey, let's get married in the back yard and instead of an over-the-top reception, i'll pay off $30,000 of our debt"?! or "let's put a down payment on a house instead of throwing a party for 200 of our relatives that we never speak to."

this is EXACTLY why more people should get gay married. let me illustrate: my partner and i are getting married next weekend. we spent under a grand on our rings. we did go ape shit on our suits and barney's ties and dolce & gabanna shoes, but it still cost about 1/3 of a vera wang wedding dress (we're homos, what do you expect?). we're getting married in a park by my cousin who is a JP and having a reception of about 50 friends and family. yes, we pissed many of our friends off because we kept the reception small, but whatever, we didn't want to go into debt over this event. we're having the reception at our favorite restaurant in boston which has a gorgeous private dining room. dj, photographer, 4 course meal, flowers, and open bar will run us about $12,000. ...and it will be gorgeous. yes, you stupid straight women, you can have a simple AND beautiful AND inexpensive wedding if you can think outside of your martha stewart wedding magazine bubble and recognize that the event is not about showing off, it's about celebrating your commitment. you may say, "but i've been dreaming about my special day since i was a little girl". yeah, well, i've been dreaming about fucking luke skywalker since i was 5 but your childhood dreams don't always come true, do they bitch? you are not a worthy, all-deserving princess. your wedding is not just about you and i have to think that 99% of straight men would prefer what we're doing compared to the $60,000 self-indulgent pepto vomit fest that are the straight weddings.


Anonymous said...

Hmm... I'm straight, and my wedding had a large list but was inexpensive.

andalusian said...

well then you deserve the straight person badge of honor.

Anonymous said...

this settles it. Im having my wedding at IHOP.

restodelmondo said...

(I just stumbled into your blog via VA.)

Hey, congratulations on your wedding!

I am a woman, and I can't stand all that "princess wedding" nonsense.

My straight wedding costed less than 12.000$ too (translating from euros).

That's including my dress (not a "wedding gown", but a vintage dress), his suit (tailor-made), really good shoes we used other times, the rings (as my bridesmaid said: "round, gold: what else do you need?" - sensible girl) and a good restaurant for onehundredsomething people (we were leaving for London, and it was our chance to greet most people we cared about).

Being the first marriage celebrated by a former student of my mother, just elected as city official: priceless, and free.

And when my then-fiancé asked if I wanted an "enagement ring", I replied I was scared enough of losing my wedding ring ("clumsiness" is my middle name), and I'd rather have a comfortable couch.

I wonder whether being bisexual has something to do with it. ;-)